Design for Energy 1

With my work in the energy (oil & gas) industry I was able to use a variety of my skill sets because many of the applications required 3D simulations and easy to undrestand user interfaces that make large sets of data easy to read. Cyberstring utilized Unity 3D to create simulations of down-well technology and predict solutions to problems. iBits was a project I consulted for at a branch location of Halliburton and required some UX architecture in addition to wireframes/mockups, and style tiles for future UX professionals to use. I also had the pleasure of creating many 3D models for work in the simulation apps we developed.

  • Cyberstring: 3D Simulator (Page 1)
  • iBits Sync (Page 2)
  • Other Energy Interfaces (Page 3)
Cyberstring 3D Down-Well Simulator

Cyberstring was a simluation application that allowed field engineers and other industry professionals to simulate a job, analyze resulting data, predict potential problems and find solutions before actually performing the job in real time. One could think of it as a very advanced calculator with unique visuals to better understand problems.

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